Math Songs

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Here you go!

Measure and Measure

I can measure and measure
Whatever I choose,
But it makes a big difference
Which ruler I use.

My pencil is eight inches.
My crayon is only four.
My chair is sixteen inches wide.
Do you think yours is more?


With a centimeter ruler
I measure the same way,
But the measurements are greater
Than the inch ruler would say.


Here you go!

A Minute Seems Like a Minute
(Time Relationships)

A minute seems like a minute.
A day seems like a day.
But an hour of doing what I don't like
Is longer than one of play.

I can read a book for an hour
And stay and stay and stay.
But a minute of cleaning up my room
Seems longer than a day.


I play soccer for two hours
And I always want some more.
But a minute of waiting for my turn.
Seems much more like it's four.


Here you go!

Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters

Five pennies in a nickel.
Two nickels in a dime.
Four quarters in a dollar.
I'm saving all the time.

I have a little piggy bank.
I'm saving for a bike.
I'm raking leaves for quarters.
That's a job I like.


My sister wants some roller skates,
So she saves every penny.
She stacks them up and counts by ten
Because she has so many.


Here you go!

Sally Had a Birthday Cake
(Equal Shares)

When you have a lot and I have a little,
That isn't very fair.
I think the same for each of us
Is a better way to share.

Sally had a birthday cake.
She wanted to serve ten.
If she cut it in ten pieces,
What would happen then?


Jonah had a pizza
To share with me and you.
If he cut it in six pieces,
Would we each get two?


Here you go!

Tens Tens

Ten tens are a hundred,
And each ten has a name.
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty.
The order's always the same.

I dump out all my pennies
And pile them up by ten.
Each time I get to a hundred.
I have a dollar again.


Counting dimes is better.
There's a dollar in each pile.
But to save enough to buy a bike
Will take me quite a while.


Here you go!

What Am I?
(Solid Figures)

Sphere or cylinder, cube or cone.
What am I? How do you know?
Sphere or cylinder, cube or cone.
What am I? How do you know?

I'm a circle at one end.
I'm pointed at the other.
I hold ice cream when turned one way.
I'm a hat when turned another.
A cone!


I can roll because I'm round,
Whether I am big or small.
If I'm full of air, you bounce me,
And then I'm called a ball.
A sphere!


I can stack, and I can roll.
I can even slide.
I have circles at both ends,
And I'm rounded on the side.
A cylinder!


I have flat, straight sides
That are all just the same,
I look like a square-shaped box.
Can you guess my name?
A cube!


Here you go!

© Dave Bulmer, 2010